1st Project Steering Committee of the PAFAID Initiative: Value chain support through data approach

30 June, 2020:  Given the limitation of current COVID-19 pandemic, the Project for Agri-food and Agro-Industry Development Assistance (PAFAID) in Pakistan: Initiative for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan holds its 1st Project Steering Committee (PSC).

As part of the inception phase, a new data- and evidence-based approach was piloted for this value chain performance project. A detailed data collection exercise has resulted in the surveying of more than 1500 value chain actors, which contributed to the understanding of current socio-economic and compliance related challenges, identification of potential investments as well as improved monitoring efforts of the projects. Based on the provided, the project has also created two short data stories for the apple and cattle meat value chain, providing insights in the current capacities and practices of the selected products. With the participation of federal and provincial counterparts, the PSC has successfully validated the project inception report and the main findings of the value chain analyses.

Additional Secretary of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MNFSR), Hon. Syed Anwar ul Husan Bokhari has stated that: “Agriculture is a priority area for the Government of Pakistan in order to ensure food security for all segments of the society. Safe food is essential to reach food security and simultaneously also contributes to economic growth among local communities in Pakistan.”

Mr. Amir Bukhari, Chief Programme Manager, JICA said “Agriculture sector of Pakistan is a priority area for Japan and appreciated the progress UNIDO has made during the inception phase despite the COVID-19 pandemic challenge and hoped that UNIDO and partner provincial agriculture departments will be able to successfully implement the planned project activities”.

Ms. Nadia Aftab, UNIDO Country Representative, said “The project will enhance the productive and compliance capacities of relevant actors in the cattle meat and apple value chains in the selected districts. This will not only contribute to the economic development but also reduce burden on the local health systems. She thanked all the strategic partners for their contributions and joining hands with UNIDO to address interventions in areas of high priority”.

The steering committee meeting was attended by officials from the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, Economic Affairs Division, and Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperation Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Agriculture Department of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food Safety and Halal Food Authority and JICA.

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