UNIDO improves the efficiency of Regional Pesticides Quality control and Research Lab in Balochistan province by upgrading lab infra-structure, provisioning lab equipment and building the capacity of lab staff

UNIDO under The Project for Agri-Food and Agro-Industry Development Assistance funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) upgraded the Regional Pesticides Quality control and Research Lab Agriculture Extension Department, Balochistan by upgrading lab infra-structure, provisioning lab equipment and enhanced the capacity of lab staff through training.

A series of training on installation of Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) was held at Regional Pesticides Quality control and Research Lab, Agriculture Extension Department, Balochistan which was organized by UNIDO from 28 February to 4 March 2022. The five-day training was split into two sessions. First session which was spread over two days consisted of installation and qualification of UPLC, while in the next three days the second session imparted hands-on training on water Acquity UPLC. The six participants including a woman participant from the lab technical staff from Agriculture Extension and Balochistan Food Authority (BFA) attended the training. The training enhanced the capacity of the attendees by giving them in depth knowledge of Waters Acquity UPLC system. They have learnt installation and qualification of UPLC system with Empower Software.

In the concluding session, Mr. Nadeem Irshad, Director Head Quarter and Dr. Arif Shah, Director Plant & Protection, Agriculture Extension, Balochistan distributed certificates to the participants. They also showed appreciation to UNIDO and JICA for the support and making the lab functional.

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