Under the Project for Agri-Food and Agro-Industry Development Assistance in Pakistan (PAFAID), UNIDO and government counterparts will organize the country’s first Meat investor forum to promote investments in the livestock and meat industry through innovation, technology promotion, and market linkages. In addition, the Forum will showcase activities delivered under PAFAID in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to improve capacities and competitiveness of meat sector value chain actors from farm to shelf. The Forum will take place on June 16th, 2023, in Serena Hotel (TBC), Islamabad and will include representatives from the public and private sectors to maximize synergies for meat sector development.
The Forum will convene public and private actors engaging in the meat industry, ranging from services providers to meat businesses. Moreover, the Forum will also bring together international donors, partner UN and development agencies working in the livestock and meat sector development in Pakistan, representatives from academia, and business associations.
The Forum will showcase best practices within the meat sector. The Forum aims to promote the scalability of such interventions by providing a platform for experience sharing and building business to business linkages which will be of interest to the following stakeholders:
The Forum will take place at the Serena Hotel in Islamabad, including a walk-in exhibition space and a hall for the spotlight sessions.
The Forum will aim to maximize participant engagement and promote networking activities and knowledge sharing through interactive sessions and an exhibition space.
10:00 – 10:30. Opening of the Forum and Exhibition corner
Welcome remarks
The Forum will feature a spotlight session aimed at
facilitating dialogue between public and private sector
actors on challenges and opportunities for investment in
the meat sector industry.