Under The Project for Agri-Food and Agro-industry Development Assistance (PAFAID) funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), UNIDO organized the second Public Private Partnership (PPP) meeting on 30 March, 2022 in Quetta, Balochistan province.
The Secretary Agriculture and Cooperative Department Balochistan, Mr. Umaid Ali Khokhar, chaired the PPP meeting. This platform will encourage effective operationalization and implementation of the Apple Value Chain Development and Investment Strategy and road map. It will guide value addition and compliance investments and support the creation of sub working groups. The Agriculture Department will facilitate the implementation of Apple value chain development and investment strategy and it will provide support to the business community in Balochistan. Stakeholders on the PPP platform include public and private sector representatives, along with members from academia, development agencies, industry associations, and a range of target beneficiaries from the apple value chain, including apple farmers association, transporters, wholesalers, cold storage owners etc.