UNIDO improves food safety compliance for the meat value chain through specialized training for local regulatory and training authorities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) organized a four-day Training of Trainers on Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) for government regulatory and training authorities under the Project for Agri-food and Agro-industry Development (PAFAID) from 23-26 May 2022 in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province.

The training aimed at improving food safety compliance by enhancing the local regulatory capacity to roll out and facilitate the adoption of the actor-based handbooks on the GHP and Good Hygiene which were launched earlier this year. Delivered in collaboration with the University of Veterinary Science (UVAS), the training was attended by representatives of the KP Food Safety and Halal Food Authority (KPFSHFA), the Livestock and Dairy Development Department (LDD), and the Local Council Board (LCB). The training concluded with an inspection and training visit to a local slaughterhouse where participants benefited from demonstrative, hands-on learning regarding best practices and inspection for slaughterhouse operations.

Addressing the trainees, Dr. Asal Khan (Director Planning L&DD KP), appreciated PAFAID’s efforts to promote food safety compliance in the province from meat production to consumption. He also lauded the project for facilitating knowledge sharing and capacity building, particularly through the up-gradation of the Animal Husbandry In-service Training Institute (AHITI) which is the primary training authority for meat inspectors, veterinary assistants, and food handlers in the province.

Ms. Lubna Tajik, UNIDO’s Lead National Project Coordinator, shared PAFAIDs’ achievements and upcoming activities whereby UNIDO will facilitate the departments in cascading training at the district level and will support meat enterprises in upgrading their operations according to food safety standards.

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